Monday, August 4, 2008

Honeymoon Phase

I have a new home here now for my blog and so far, I like it! This has been a wild and crazy weekend -- I have the glimmer of a new idea for a pb and that's all I can think about! Ah, those glorious first few days are wonderful when the idea seems so perfect in my brain... just like a honeymoon. And then after I do some more research I'll put the amazing idea down on paper and it might not seem quite so perfect. Kind of like after the honeymoon when the bills start coming in or you realize your new husband snores. Loudly. Like a freight train. But until then, I am in LOVE!

I'm also in the dreaded waiting phase. As a writer this is the hardest thing I have to deal with. I sent my mg novel to my editor 9 weeks ago. Not that I'm keeping track. Who am I kidding? OF COURSE, I'm keeping track! I jump every time the phone rings and cross my fingers when I check my email. How long does it take to read a mg novel? That sounds like the beginning of a great joke. Too bad I don't have a punch line.

I'm also waiting for more sketches of my next pb. I have 3 pencil sketches so I know what my main character (Emma) looks like but I can't wait to see color artwork! The pub date is Spring '10 so it could still take awhile.

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